Where do I start with our story… my partner Tessa and I had our eyes on a property for a number of weeks. We attended the auction which was passed in and we had our offer accepted by the vendors. We had been told by our broker everything was fine we would be underway with the banks in no time. Days and weeks went by and things went from really exciting being our first home to us being sent a default and our broker giving up and leaving us on our own. We had 3 days to remedy the situation as they were going to accept a cash offer. The night the default was given to us by the vendors we were heartbroken. I had rang my mum in Wagga Wagga NSW to update her that we were going to have to forget it as we didn’t have enough time to start a new process. She then phoned me about 30mins later and said you need to give this man a call first thing in the morning his name is Larry this is his number. I said no I need to ring him now, this was about 8pm. Larry answered I said my mum just spoke to you I will call in the morning but I just needed to fill you in ect ect… Larry said call me in 45mins I’m just sitting down to dinner. We spoke to Larry from 9pm to about 10.30pm, Larry had given us some confidence he could help once he got his head around what had happened. He then came to our house the following night and we got the process started. His communication through the whole process was above and beyond, he was ruthless in his approach with the situation and that is what we needed. To this day I still have no idea how he did it but in 3 days Larry had resolved our issue and got us what we needed to which we are so thankful and I don’t think we’ll ever be able to thank him enough. During the process it felt like Larry was there at anytime for us he became a mate and once the whole process was over we felt a little odd knowing we didn’t have to communicate anymore. Larry has already given us advice about what we can do in the near future and he will be handling all finances for Tessa and I, along with any friends/family that we have.
Thanks again…. I have tried to keep it short feel free to edit what you need.
Guy and Tessa
Port Adelaide SA